Zillow is an amazing site which allows you to spend hours searching for properties that are available. After looking for months, I found a one bedroom, 1 1/2 bath unit with an amazing view in Ponce Inlet, just a few minutes from Daytona Beach. Several friends either live or rent in the community, Harbor Village, and it looked like it might be a good fit for me.
Here is the view from the balcony, facing west, overlooking the Intercoastal...a great sunset and cocktail spot!
I flew down to Florida in July to make sure the condo was a good as I thought and to look at a couple more just to make sure this one was a good fit.
View of the living room/dining room from the kitchen area.
Right side of the great room looking into the bedroom.
Front door with the kitchen to the left and the powder room to the right.
Lovely furnishing, right? Told the owners that I wanted the condo emptied before settlement.

The condo has a really large kitchen for its size which was a selling point for me. I did think about replacing the white appliances but then I decided that a change in the countertops was more important. Granite is going in, hardware will be changed and updated and I think it will be just fine.
Master bath:
Really strange setup with a walk-in shower in the picture and a tub, all by itself, on the opposite wall. Cannot justify making changes here as of yet. Am sure I will be able to talk myself into redoing this next year. Already have plans to take out the tub and put in a walk in shower and loosing the shower and making that storage.
After a bit of negotiations, the condo was mine the middle of September. I have found a great contractor who can do just about everything and the next post will show you the progress we have made so far.
Cannot wait to get there the end of October. The movers come around the 23rd of this month and then I will either drive or fly down myself. Then it is time to use up some more of the furniture from my mother and many, many items found at the dumps!
This sounds fabulous! Can't wait to follow your progress..