The finishing touches, lighting, fixtures, flower boxes were all ordered online. The composite Azak-like boxes that I could buy locally were priced at over $200 per box. I need 5 boxes for the front of the cottage. I went online and found ones I liked even better for $99 each. They were here in three days and Russ and Brendan couldn't wait to install them.

One up, four more to go. The windows will be completed with black shutters that Brendan built to mimic the original shutters on the cottage.

Boxes up and ready for flowers. Just have to wait until it warms up enough on the Cape to paint the trim. Cannot wait!
Meanwhile, Daniel and his team arrived a week ago to paint the interiors. After Mary Sliney and I, with additional opinions from many friends, decided on the colors, it was time to see if what we had chosen worked. All the woodwork is in BM Dove White. I was not sure about this when everyone suggested it, but I love the warm white it provides for the whole house.

Not a great shot but all the door lined up in the master bedroom getting sprayed. Gave me an idea...hmmm...could they spray my table and chairs while they had the sprayer going.

No sooner said than done, chairs and table legs sprayed in the house, table top sprayed in the shed. Now to the seat cushions.

Eight chairs done, cannot set up the table yet as the floors must be sanded,stained, and sealed but you can get the idea. I am so excited to see the chandelier hanging above the table too.

Guest room painted...

Hard to see the color here but the floors are sanded and stained. Need to dry for two days and then sealed. Getting closer by the minute.

Master bedroom is in a light sea foam color. The bead board makes the headboard wall appear a bit darker as well as some texture.

Floors stained, am really liking the contrast that this darker stain gives the rooms. Think the furnishings will pop when added.

Great Room painted...

Bad picture but you get the idea!

Fireplace and view.

The plumbers and electrician has been busy this week also. Guest room sink almost open for business. I love the faucets. I should, must have looked at thousands of faucets before I decided on these. I surfed at Build.com, Overstock.com, individual dealers web sites, there must be a hundred bookmarks on my computer right now, but it was worth the time. Saved money buying on line, got everything in a timely fashion, usually within three days or so, and everything arrived in perfect shape. I would recommend Build.com and Overstock too.

After looking at hundreds of kitchen faucets I decided on this very simple Moen. The pull down and pull out faucets of today are so huge that they overshadowed the sink and the whole kitchen. KISS it is my motto...keep it simple stupid!

The faucet and the microwave are in. Apparently the worker bees were wanting to be able to reheat their coffee, hence the installation of the micro. Wish they were wanting to cook a roast, then maybe I would get the stove in too!

While the work/painting was going on inside, the deck was getting started outside.

Narrow portion of the deck in front of the master bedroom with the outdoor shower at the end. Custom height of just 5' so that you even have the view while you shower.

Cedar walls on the shower with bench seat to follow.

Deck is waiting for the seat to be build this week. The bench will go all around the sides of the deck so that there need not be a 36" high railing to block the view. You do remember it is all about the view!
Lesson Learned:
1. There are many horrible people in this world; their motives cannot be explained, their actions cannot always be deterred. That being said, the actions of the police, marathone volunteers, hospital staff, and bystanders on Marathon Monday talk to the good in people. My friends have been comforted by so many, in the hospital, through emails and with offers of help and financial support. Although none of the people effected by the bombings will ever be the same, I know that the number of good people in this world still do outnumber the bad.
Love the sink, the kitchen faucet (KISS!), the painting, the deck, the outside shower - everything. I was so sorry to hear about your friends, but your lovely home will be a source of strength. And yes, I do believe that good triumphs evil.