So, I ask you, what does one do when there are so many thoughts in one's head starting at 4 a.m.: Am I doing the right thing? Am I spending too much money? Will the new house look silly on my quaint lane? How much is it going to cost to outfit the cottage? Well, the first thing you do is go on line and check out prices.
- Do you know that you can buy a dishwasher for over $3000? Does it load the dishes also put the dishes away?
- Do you know that you can buy a waterless hot water system for over $3000? Does it run the hot water through the pipes to heat the house as well?
- Do you know that you can buy counter tops made out of granite, soapstone,cement, recycled glass, laminates, man made materials that look like granite, soapstone and cement?
- Did you also know that if you are trying to be "green" it costs much more than if you use materials that are bad for the environment?
- Did you know that a simple, chrome faucet can cost up to $500, and I need at least four? Just to get hot water from a $3000 waterless heater!
- Did you know....I won't bother you with any more now!
So, after surfing the Net and realizing that, although I have done many a room over, with many decisions to be made, designing and building a house is a daunting task.
So, you might think that I turned off the computer and went for a walk, started drinking early, cleaned the house, or washed my hair. NO! I joined Netflix for a free month and had a movie day. Watched all three "Girl" movies,
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. After my movie marathon, I am ready to go to my meeting tomorrow morning. After watching Lisbeth getting molested, getting shot, being buried alive, and having to go on trial, I ask you...How difficult can it be to build and furnish a house! (P.S. If you haven't seen the movies or read the books you must, they were fantastic. And, you too can join Netflix for a free month.)
More tomorrow, this is just the beginning!